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Christmas Wreath Red

Welcome to Sawatzky Equine's

Twelve Days of Christmas



Tis the season to be WARM while you ride!!

Baby, when it’s cold outside both horse and rider agree . . . there’s nothing better than riding in the warmth of our 80’ x 200' indoor heated arena!!

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Melissa Glowinski and Roland Sawatzky are our resident Colt Starters at Sawatzky Equine.


Between them, they share a wealth of knowledge and experience to train the young horses that get brought to us to be educated. We also welcome mature horses that need tune ups or advanced training - and all disciplines are welcome!

Hark!! Did you know about the Sawatzky Equine Colt Starting School? Stay tuned ~ our 2021 Colt Starting School dates will be out soon!

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It’s become a habit with our coaches to inquire as to what their students have learned after they've finished a ride, lesson, class or clinic. 


Asking these three simple questions is a powerful strategy to help deepen your learning and celebrate your successes . . . And we think that’s pretty wise!!

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Sawatzky Equine is proud to be home to four awesome riding coaches

who love to share their knowledge and experience with you. 

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🏆 We believe that Consistency is Golden 🏆

All of our trainers are committed to a 5 day per week ride program with weekends off. Both the horses and trainers benefit from the days off.

We also believe that horse and rider wellbeing is more valuable than gold!

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Fa La La La La . . . A good fitting saddle is so important!! And because our training horses come in all breeds, shapes and sizes, we’re committed to providing quality tack!!

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At Sawatzky Equine, we are a Team committed to exploring partnership through horsemanship-based training, coaching and mentorship.

We’re all feeling fortunate to be part of a team that consciously creates a culture that is caring, supportive and progressive.

Maybe Santa will notice and bring us something extra nice this a bigger hay shed and event stabling for after covid!!!

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Tis the season to be WARM while you ride!!

Baby, when it’s cold outside both horse and rider agree . . . there’s nothing better than riding in the warmth of our 80’ x 200' indoor heated arena!!

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In addition to our values, we also choose to Embody Incremental Progress, in both horsemanship and in life.


We are learning how to plan for smaller doable steps that we can achieve AND acknowledge and celebrate ALL increments of progress on the journey towards our goals.

This is who we are!!

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If you’re looking to build confidence and partnership with your horse, the Sawatzky Equine outdoor obstacle course is a fun place to start!

Our students enjoy taking lessons, classes and clinics from our dream team coaches - Melissa Glowinski (3x EXCA competitor) and Brenda Glowinski (3x EXCA coach). This course was built to support our signature "So You Wanna Race!?!" Extreme Cowboy Racing Camp - 2021 dates coming soon!

And even if the weather outside is frightful, you can still practice in the warmth of our heated arena for year round training.

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Anyone who visits Sawatzky Equine knows that we are extremely proud of our facility.


One of the notable features is our alley of feed pens. Roland custom designed these pens to make our facility efficient. They provide easy access to horses for our trainers, cozy shelter and extended outdoor runs which makes for happy, healthy horses.


This ingenious system is also built for easy maintenance, including the ability to drive the tractor right through all the pens for weekly cleaning! Woot!!

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Do you hear what I hear??

You bet!! It’s the quad engine firing up to pull the feed cart out and all the horses know what time it is!!


We know how important good nutrition is for our equine partners and Roland's feed program is appreciated by all! 

Daily feeding of a hay that can mostly be free fed as well as daily mineral supplements helps keep our horses healthy and happy. 

Our tire feeders reduce hay waste and keep the pens tidier and that keeps the pen cleaning crew (aka Roland) happy too! 

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O Come All Ye Faithful … To the Automatic Waterer! We find the horses gather here to get a fresh drink and chill out in good company. Our pens all intersect at the waterer so it’s often where they'll enjoy the sense of herd companionship.

Knowing you have a few good pals to visit over a nice cool drink is good for the Soul!

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We hope you enjoyed our 

Twelve Days of Christmas tour!


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